Comet Chaos.

An arcade space shooter made while following GameDevHQ's course to show proficiency in Unity's Cinemachine. Time is running out on your fuel, destroy the asteroids to gain more!

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About Comet Chaos

Space, Asteroids, and explosions!

Arcade Style

Fight against time to achieve a high score.

Multiple Cameras

Fly in the perspective of being in the cockpit or a third person view. Enjoy cinematic cutscenes for the intro and game over screen.


Play on PC, use WASD for movement. "t" to change the camera. "r" to go faster and "f" to go slower.

What I learned:

Cinemachine Mastery: Throughout the development of "Comet Chaos," I gained a deep understanding of Cinemachine. Leveraging its powerful features, such as camera blending, virtual cameras, and procedural camera movements, enhanced the overall player experience. This knowledge not only improved the game's visual appeal but also contributed to creating a more immersive and dynamic environment.

Player Engagement through Dynamic Cameras: Experimenting with Cinemachine allowed me to create dynamic camera angles and movements that responded to player actions. This not only heightened the sense of excitement but also kept players engaged by providing a more cinematic and personalized gaming experience.

Seamless Scene Transitions: I discovered how Cinemachine could facilitate smooth transitions between different game scenes. This not only improved the overall flow of the game but also ensured a seamless transition between key moments, enhancing the narrative and player immersion.

Camera Follow Systems: Implementing effective camera follow systems was a crucial aspect of the game's design. Cinemachine's capabilities in tracking and smoothly following the player character added a layer of polish to the gameplay, ensuring that the camera movement complemented the fast-paced nature of "Comet Chaos."

By navigating the intricacies of Cinemachine during the development of "Comet Chaos," I not only enhanced my technical skills but also gained valuable insights into creating a more engaging and visually appealing gaming experience.

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