I love development and heres how I accomplish things
My main tool of the trade is Unity, I've worked with unity for 4 years to build mobile and web games as a solo indie dev. I'm also very familiar with Godot.
Programming is what I enjoy the most.I have 4 years working with C# to develop games in unity as as solo indie dev. I've been working with GDscript to create games in Godot for about half a year now. I also am familiar with Python, .net, HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
While programming is my strong suite, I do enjoy creating and using vector art for solo projects
play on itch.io or android
2D action adventure platformer.
2D space shooter game.
2.5D Platformer.
Third Person Shooter/Exploration
A Small 3d room to demonstrate various 3D and render pipeline practices.
Fast paced arcade space shooter.
Click the links to see the sourcecode on Github
Uses OpenCV to perform basic image analysis. It reads an image, resizes it to fit a 1080p monitor, converts it to grayscale, applies Gaussian blur for noise reduction, and detects edges using the Canny edge detection algorithm.
Pretty cool application to help keep and prioritize tasks. Utilizes the tkinter library to create a UI to easily add and delete tasks. Saves and loads tasks by creating a tasks.txt file so data is not lost between sessions. Has error handling through the UI.
Scraping data from a website and utilizing beautifulsoup4 to help parse the data.
A simple python script utilizing open weather data api. Also utilizes python modules to keep the API key safe and hidden from the public repository.
looking forward to hearing from you!